Ending the 60s on a High

The fifties were a time of “Leave It
To Beaver” and “Father Knows Best”, the
tv shows of that era got my rapt attention.
What wonderful lives those children led.
Clean, spacious homes, no one drunk on
the floor. No screaming fights in the night,
that awakened you with fear, everything calm,
loving and understanding. I loved those
shows and I loved my books and was an
ardent reader, books sa(er)ved me well
as I escaped from my reality to theirs.

It also was the time of the Cuban Missile
Crisis and when I was in elementary
school we had drills where we were
instructed to get under our desks and
cover our heads for protection in case
of bombings. We also practiced
evacuating the school and got into cars
driven by parents who would take us off
the campus to a safe area elsewhere.
I often wonder if those drills didn’t add
anxiety to my already fear-ridden little self.

School became more difficult for me to
manage as I entered puberty and new
hormones surging meant more changes to my
already stressed life. Life seemed to frighten
me more and more as I spiraled down into
what I can only describe as an emotional break.
I felt low and bleak.
By high school and when the panic would hit,
I snuck away from school and walked home.
What was happening to me? I had no idea,
only that I was in almost unbearable pain.
Funny that home would become my refuge, but
no, that was an illusion; it really wasn’t.

I remember watching the news and seeing the
war in Vietnam happening right on the screen.
I was grateful that my oldest brother had
escaped going and was stationed in Germany.
At the end of the sixties when I was 18, and out
of high school, I got a job in a law office and felt
independent and happy making my own money.
I had a boyfriend and had sex
and we smoked weed and I felt free.
The music of the day became my religion.
The Beatles evolved along with me and
as their messages expanded so did my mind.
The Moody Blues sang of astral travel and
raising your consciousness. Crosby, Stills, Nash
& Young swept me up with their meaningful lyrics;
I flew so high. I turned on, tuned in and dropped out.

Soon a newfound spirituality became my
focus and awakened me to a profound new
consciousness that propelled me
into a life that I had never imagined for myself.

The illusions of this world became crystal clear
and I no longer perceived it as I once had.
The shift was acute and my philosophical
insight could not be denied. My short relation-
ship with marijuana was over but I remained in a
perpetual high, induced this time by a drastic
change in my awareness. I found a yoga
teacher…or had he found me? I joined a
commune and meditated and my newly structured
life took me away, far away, from my past one.
I became a vegetarian and was disciplined
and devoted to strengthening my body and mind.
Light shown where there had been darkness.

The sixties closed with me on a high note and
for that I am ever grateful. Life continues
to change and evolve with letting go, holding on
and relaxing more into the belief that all will
unfold as it should.

Bjorn and Amy Jo Sprague invite us to write in free verse and share the decades in which we grew up or have lived:  http://dversepoets.com/2015/12/17/free-to-be-free-meet-the-bar/

Sacred Music

     Sacred music has taken different forms throughout my life.  First through the Christian church of my parents, I learned hymns that I was taught as a child in Sunday school–many of those ancient songs touching my heart more deeply as I grew older.

     But as a teenager, I made a different choice for my spiritual path and with that came learning mantra chanting, especially kirtan (devotional chanting).  Much of this music that I learned was sung in Gurmukhi, the Sanskrit-based language of the Sikh scriptures written hundreds of years ago.  It is said that if you chant the verses in their original written form, the specific tones can actually raise the vibration of the different energy centers in the body and can promote healing and stability.

     There is a vibratory frequency that corresponds to everything in the universe. Happiness or sorrow, joy or regret are vibratory frequencies in the mind. When we chant a mantra we are choosing to invoke the positive power contained in those particular syllables. Whether it’s for prosperity, peace of mind, increasing intuition, or any other possible benefits inherent in mantras, simply by chanting them, we are setting vibrations into motion that shall have an effect. It doesn’t actually matter if we understand the meaning of the sounds or not.

     Learning to chant had a profound effect on my life.  Still to this day, many years after I have left the ashram life where I learned so much about spirituality, I can chant along with the sacred songs written by ancient masters and be propelled into a space of heart opening and gratitude.

My entry for Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Sacred Music:  http://liv2write2day.wordpress.com/2011/11/14/monday-morning-writing-prompt-sacred-music/

The Akashic Records

There’s a mystical place where records are kept

since time immemorial and eternally on.

Where every word that’s been uttered

and every thought that’s gone out and all deeds

that have been acted are being tallied and heeded.

It exists in a realm beyond our senses,

but the ancient ones who know and speak of this place

have passed on to us this astonishing lore.

It’s a library in the ethers for all perception and knowledge

from since and before the beginning of all matter.

It’s the universal mind that houses these accounts

holding and storing them for time ever after.

Some say it can be accessed through a gateway within

if we but resource it through our subconscious therein.

And when the time comes that we slip from these shells,

entry will be had to review our life’s course

and will assist with the choosing of our subsequent return.

It’s said that they’re used to place judgment upon us

when we leave this place called Earth behind us.

But the judgment is used for our benefit and advantage

to propel us onward towards our inner transcendence.

My entry for Thursday Poet’s Rally:  http://thursdaypoetsrallypoetry.blogspot.com/


The layers are peeling

And my heart is healing

Because I’m willing to look

Unwavering at what’s afoot

My eyes are unflinching

I won’t look away

At even the darkest, shadowy

Places within

Healing takes place

When I acknowledge the truth

No pretending what I’m not

But embracing the facts

No deceiving myself

Shine a light on it all

The only way to peace

Is to live honestly

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