Rumpelstiltskin; a Clerihew


Picture of Rumpelstiltskin; Bing Images

To read the fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin, click here.

Lillian, I took up your challenge for a Rumpelstiltskin Clerihew!

You’re a cad, Rumpelstiltskin
though you offer your services to spin,
and a young girl trusts that you’re good
karma caught up with you just as it should!

Try your hand at a new form called the Clerihew over at dVerse Poets!

The Wheel of Becoming

English: The Bhavacakra (Sanskrit; Devanagari:...

Image via Wikipedia

Our individual path
weaves us in and out
but choices are ours
to continue around.

The wheel of becoming
transports us places,
bringing trials
that tests our mettle. 

There’s a lower realm
and a higher;
seek the light
or close your eyes. 

Painful lessons
bring us suffering.
Oh, to let go
and find nirvana!

We’re on this cycle
from our past karma.
To break the spinning,
we can release samsara. 

Reality is subjective;
it’s full of traps.
Ignorance clenches
the veil ever tighter.

See with clarity
through the eye of One.
No longer endless,
our births are done.

My offering for today’s Occupy Blogosphere:

The Akashic Records

There’s a mystical place where records are kept

since time immemorial and eternally on.

Where every word that’s been uttered

and every thought that’s gone out and all deeds

that have been acted are being tallied and heeded.

It exists in a realm beyond our senses,

but the ancient ones who know and speak of this place

have passed on to us this astonishing lore.

It’s a library in the ethers for all perception and knowledge

from since and before the beginning of all matter.

It’s the universal mind that houses these accounts

holding and storing them for time ever after.

Some say it can be accessed through a gateway within

if we but resource it through our subconscious therein.

And when the time comes that we slip from these shells,

entry will be had to review our life’s course

and will assist with the choosing of our subsequent return.

It’s said that they’re used to place judgment upon us

when we leave this place called Earth behind us.

But the judgment is used for our benefit and advantage

to propel us onward towards our inner transcendence.

My entry for Thursday Poet’s Rally:

“Dhammapada”, 9– translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

“Even the evil meet with good fortune as long as their evil has yet to mature. But when it’s matured that’s when they meet with evil.  Even the good meet with bad fortune as long as their good has yet to mature.  But when it’s matured that’s when they meet with good fortune.”


For many years I had wondered why it is that people who are unscrupulous appear to reap reward for their behaviors and people who are “good” appear to have so many troubles befall them.  This quote from The Dhammapada and translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu explained it very clearly for me.

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