You’re Kidding!

You’re kidding me, right?

What you’ve done is absurd!

The whole country’s reeling

By what you’ve all done!

All twelve of you agreed?

Not one said, “No way!”

All the evidence laid out

You chose to discount

Common sense took flight

You couldn’t make the link?!

Three years for nothing

You’ve made us all sick!

I’m so disappointed

Frustrated too

I’ve lost my faith

In the justice system

Guilty people go free

Innocents get put in

I had hoped you would all keep

Caylee in your minds

My entry for Monday Morning Writing Prompt:  A Rant

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  1. Amen, sister. I thought about ranting about that but the words I would have chosen are a bit inconsistent with who I want to become. :0)


  2. arcanewhisper

     /  July 10, 2011

    Ahhh this is exactly how I feel! I haven’t talked to one person who thinks she’s innocent… I still can’t believe the jury made such a decision, it was truly disappointing. But as one person said: “It’s called the court of law, not court of justice.” Unfortunate but true.


    • The one juror that I’ve heard,said–we found her not guilty but that doesn’t mean that we thought she is innocent. The provisions of doubt led them (apparently) to their decision.

      Well we need to change the laws if justice can’t be found in a court of law. I’ve lost all faith…


  3. jgavinallan

     /  July 11, 2011

    There are things that are not in our control. I know nothing about this trial…but if you are telling me…in this world bad people are free to live among us without punishment…I agree…through experience
    hugs and big hugs


    • Yes, I think most things are out of our control. When/if we can let go of trying to control, I think we’ll be a lot happier.

      I’m sorry you have had to find out through your own experience that there are such bad people around us–but yes, they’re out here among us. Best beware…

      Many in the country followed this trial recently and were stunned to hear that the jury found her not guilty. (See my response to Arcanewhisper above).

      Gayle xoxo


  4. fantastic and straight from heart!


  5. We’ll probably have at least 3 books coming from the jury of twelve defending their actions. Should be interesting how they drew their conclusion.


  6. It’s probably a case much like the OJ SImpson first trial. The jury found him “innocent” because of evidence tampering, etc. Also, the prosecution failed to make its case. The problem with serving on a jury is that you have to follow the COURT’S rules, not necessarily your own gut. As much as I believe Simpson was guilty, I would have had to vote “not guilty” because of Mark Fuhrman’s evidence planting and the general bungling of the case by the LA Police Dept. Amy


    • You’re so right–I agree. You just would think with the time and energy involved in bringing her to trial and all the endless witnesses and “evidence” that they would have found her guilty of something more substantial than lying.

      I think maybe that “reasonable doubt” thing–or something–needs to be changed in the law. I’m afraid the “rules” are very limiting.

      Thanks for your input here, Amy, I appreciate it.
      Gayle ~


  7. I wondered how you felt about all this since you guys are so close to the events. Emtions high. Rather amazing.

    The poem is a good one, Gayle.


    • It’s stunning and shocking–I don’t know what to think anymore. Today, I heard a commentary saying that because our society is based on such fast technology and instantaneous expectations, that the jurors were overwhelmed and didn’t want to be bothered with taking the necessary time it would have taken to go over the evidence. Well, that just scares the hell out of me.

      I’m trying to let it go though…

      Thanks for liking my rant, Jamie.


  8. Gayle,

    Nicely written poem. It says it all …. Amen and all that.

    But …. Justice isn’t always pretty. Justice has a way of being illusive; however, justice is what our system is all about. I say, we should stop getting our panties in a knot about this. Let the real justice take over when she is no longer on earth.

    Amen to That …


    • Thanks for liking my rant, Izzy.

      And I agree with you. True justice will be delivered–sooner or later–it’s out of our hands.

      Amen sister!



  9. Thank you, Gayle, for writing this. The absurdity of the verdict is as absurd as trying to imagine how anyone can murder a child.



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