The Visitation

Photo Bing Images; Thick Fog

Photo Bing Images; Thick Fog

Darkness envelops
as if a deep fog has
settled in a valley,
taking my light
draining my mood.
Anxiety rushes in
to make things
a little more
How long this time
will the Shadow lurk
and hold me fast
with her gripping claws?

De is our host at dVerse Poet’s Pub for our Monday Quadrille prompt.  Head on over there for all the details!

Dark Side of the Moon

“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” ― Mark Twain

Most days and to most people, you only see the pleasant me, the one who smiles and agrees. I get along.  I say yes.  I nod and acquiesce.  My shiny, bright moon side beams a happy aura out into the world and others smile back in kind.  You prefer it this way.

But what you don’t want to see is my dark side kept hidden from sight. It’s cranky and sour and sneers inside while you’re grinning that insincere grin.  It wallows and cries and breeds more dismay as each turn of the earth creates feelings of lost worth.  Pain increases my craters as my far side remains tucked safely away in the shadows.

winter dwells year round
where shadows darken the day
full moon half empty

Rajani is our host at dVerse for Haibun Monday (which lasts through Friday).  Come join us!

Shadow Self

Oh had I been born without
this contrast that settles
deeply about my head
and shoulders.  The same
leadenness that weights
my feet with each step.
I see there is light, for
it glows brightly at times…
for periods here and there.
My heart feels it and gives
a tiny leap of recognition.
Yes, the soul lifts and
begins a whirling of its
energy and a surge of
joy emerges from the dark,
lighting my path.

But would I have become
who I am if not for
the experience of darkness?
Knowing what I know
of the shadow self?
I think not.
Even though…I’m left with a
lingering malaise of
the memories of the pain
inflicted, dealt with,
held onto, lived through and
died through, by lifetimes built.
A blunted gloom lurks just below
the surface…just right there,
waiting for any opening to
show itself and disperse
that light…as if a candle
flame being extinguished,
without warning.

Karin Gustafson hosts today at dVerse Poets and asks us to reflect on “bright shadows” however that may show up for you:


Shadow follows
and creeps about
peeking, hiding,
whispering a shout.
There in the
keeping watch,
it rears its head
magnifying your
fears.  You can’t
escape its far-
reaching charm,
the Shadow loiters
bringing you harm. 

If you can’t see it,
you’re in trouble
indeed…you must
face it squarely
and pay it great heed.
Inferiorities feed
and make it darker,
focus on weakness,
amplifying its strength.

This Shadow is
persistent but can
be decreased.  The
Self of Light is the
path to take.  Don’t
be ashamed, it
clings to us all,
this deep, abiding
gloom that thrives
deep inside. 

Look at it, face it,
don’t back down.
It will quiver away
and leave you profound.

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