‘Twas Just a Joke

We were teased for maybe two weeks.
Humidity dropped, temperatures
did too. Late nights were chilly,
early mornings too. There was
a decided dryness in the air that
is rare in these parts. Ah, at last
it’s here, I sighed and smiled, fall
has come to Florida, maybe a bit
earlier this year. What a gift, a
wondrous delight, to find that she
had tiptoed in when we really
had not expected. Oh, we felt
so blessed that summer’s heat
had been quietly dismissed and
fall had taken his place. What
had we done to receive such
grace? No matter, we simply
smiled our gratitude and
enjoyed the sweet bliss of an
early respite from a lengthy
sweltering sweat bath, aka,
summer in the Sunshine State.
Oh, but wait, ‘twas just a joke!
We were being mocked, made
fun of and taunted by a bully.
You’ve got to be kidding me!
It was not to be. It did not last.
That late evening coolness has
gone, blown back to the north.
And summer returned, not done,
bringing his best pal humidity
along with soaring temperatures
back into the high eighties.

Victoria invites us to share our weather reports with one another across the globe over at dVerse Poets:  http://dversepoets.com/2015/11/10/weather-you-like-it-or-not-dverse-poetics/

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  1. Oh, I’m sorry, Gayle. I could take the heat but humidity wipes me out. Nature plays tricks on us.The snow we awakened to is almost gone in just a few hours times. And I was looking forward to hibernation for a day or two.


    • The humidity here is beyond too much. It felt so much better when it dropped and the temps followed downward. I guess we’ll both have to wait for what we would prefer.


  2. Glenn Buttkus

     /  November 10, 2015

    My wife is from the Gulf coast of TX, & no stranger to humidity. In the south & SW, winter hop scotches about, flirting, toying with folks. But remember freezing in FLA is very tough on the citrus orchards.


    • Well your wife knows of what I speak then. We don’t often get freezes that last long enough to damage the orange crops but it sure has happened. Lately our winter’s have been very mild. We’ll have to wait and see what winter has in store for us this year.


  3. You have described your weather perfectly, Gayle. Indeed sometimes weather has a sense of humor…giving us what we want and then just as quickly taking it away. But, ha, I would take your 80-degree weather in a heartbeat. I guess one often desires what is impossible for one to have.


    • Thanks, Mary. I guess I should be used to it by now. Our winters in particular are ones that flip flop back and forth, a short cool spell followed by warming back up. The temperature today was close to 90…80 I could stand!


  4. The weather does seem to play its tricks upon us all.. Profound write 🙂


  5. Honestly I don’t mind the heat, smiles ~ But I can imagine what a tease the weather was, seeming to be cool, then now leaving you guys with Humidity ~ Nature is playing tricks on us for sure ~


    • You’re lucky that you don’t mind the heat, Grace, but it gets real old month after month. I guess I feel similar to how you feel about your endless winters, right?


  6. After our sweltering summer, we share your relief when fall tiptoes in and cools things down. Our heat lasted long this year, too. Tonight, for the first time, I am feeling a chill…….rainy and chilly out. The rain is needed, and welcome.


    • We had a good rain today too but it cleared out pretty fast this afternoon. Somehow I didn’t imagine that you, way over and up in West Canada, would have sweltering, long summers like here. I do think that weather is interesting…


  7. Well.. even in North Florida
    where i live.. 60 is about
    as low as we get..
    cold to some
    but still
    crispy warm to me..
    lighter blue/green/grayeYes
    means resistance
    to change
    all things
    for Northern
    Europe Blood
    in Florida.. smiles.. blue green


  8. The grass is always greener….You’ve well described the capriciousness of weather (North or South). We’ve had a prolonged Indian summer which has spoiled us–the recent cold snap reminds us that winter will soon be here and we’ll be yearning for some of your humidity.


    • True…it seems we’re never happy for what we have. But really, our summer goes on for eternity! But our winters are what gives us our “snowbird” population.


  9. Gayle, am I reading this wrong? You started with “she” and changed to “he’ for the rest of the poem. I like it. you have captured the way Florida’s climate plays with us, making us hope and dashing the hope, sometimes in a day.
    Will Fall ever come?


    • “She” was fall tiptoeing in…”he” is summer coming back…sorry you were confused, Barbara. It does play with us but when it cools off so nicely and then summer comes roaring back, it’s a bit too much to take! :~)


  10. Love this poem!


  11. Oh, that fickle Mother Nature! How she taunts us. I couldn’t live in a place that is so consistently warm, sunny and humid. YUCK! 😉


  12. Lately all of us has been having strange weather. I think of visiting my mom in FL in November and wearing shorts and SWEATING….I hate humidity and sweating…OMGoodness. I am so glad I live farther North where eventually, winter will begin. I think they are calling for 72F for turkey day….yuckola. You wrote about this so well that it just brought back FL full tilt!


  13. Sounds like some very testing weather in your parts too! Beautifully worded.


  14. You should come north for the autumn. This is so well described you’ve got me looking forward to the snow that’s predicted for tomorrow (in Wisconsin). 🙂


    • I should come north for the autumn. I actually lived in Dorchester, MA for a few years so have seen the beauty that is fall up north. The winters there were brutal though…and long lasting. I had never seen snow before moving there and the area had their worst blizzard in their history while we were there in 1978. Yikes! Enjoy your snowy winter and I hope it’s not too bad this year. 🙂


  15. Hope your heat has calmed down some and sorry to hear you got only a slight reprieve from it. We, on the other hand, have had some bitter cold temps in recent days, especially at night, and today freezing fog all day. I am ready for some rain as at least that I could do. We are funny creatures aren’t we. Already I am ready for warmth once more. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just got back late today from my Thanksgiving with my mother and siblings where we all met in a quaint town outside of Orlando for her 90th birthday party. It was so much fun and we had a house full of cousins, neighbors and some of our oldest and dearest friends. Mom was tired but happy. The weather there was actually a little cooler and very comfortable. Tomorrow will be around 80…still warm, with rain in our forecast. It is for this reason that people come here in droves during the winter months! I can’t blame them. Yes, we are funny creatures for sure! Nice to hear from you, Renee. I’ll be catching up with my blogging duties after I hang with Mira tomorrow. 🙂



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