
White foam rides the churning
river and a Red-Shouldered Hawk
cries out as he drifts overhead;
a meadow vole takes cover.

In an ancient, towering pine,
lies an enormous aerie, home
to a Bald Eagle pair and their
two fledglings who take turns
flapping wildly, strengthening
their wings before take-off.

A grazing herd of White-Tailed
deer wander calm through the
open forest, several fawns
leap and kick in play and sometimes
bleat for their mothers when they
wander too far.

The armor-plated armadillo can be seen
snuffling through low brush and dirt
searching for grubs, worms and beetles.
Berries, nuts and seeds are the choice
of food for the Florida Scrub Jay seen
flitting through the low, spindly oaks,
and hiding in the scrub when feeling shy.
Their lives lived in extended-family colonies
helps assure them survival even while
their habitat is being threatened.

A dirt-colored-plain-patterned
garter snakes through the underbrush
before coming to rest in a sunny patch
on the forest’s floor–taking time to
absorb some warmth before moving on;
a gopher tortoise stirs from his day’s nap.

All the animals hear when the humans
approach and they watch with
curiosity and then fear as monstrous
machines can be heard revving their
engines preparing once again for
their encroaching.

Victoria C. Slotto is our hostess at The Bardo Group for Writer’s Fourth Wednesday and invites us to contemplate wilderness: http://intothebardo.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/in-the-wilderness-of-the-wilderness-writers-fourth-wednesday/

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  1. This is lovely, Gayle, and I’m so pleased you joined us for this. I’d like to post this on Bardo for Wilderness Week, if you wouldn’t mind. I’d need you to pop out a new bio and photo. Let me know ~ bardogroup@gmail.com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a blissful scene of nature going about its business….then the fear as the big machines approach. You have painted this scene so well, kiddo. You put me right there in the middle of it.


  3. Oh my–you paint this idyllic scene and I feel at one with nature and then it all comes crashing down. So well done, Gayle. Glad you shared this.


    • Thanks, Victoria…after reading yours, I think ours follow a similar vein. Yes, all those creatures going about their business and then bam…overnight their lives changed…or worse.


  4. This is a wonderful journey though nature.


  5. love all the little animal touches in this…as you explore them…i remember seeing armadillos the first time when i lived in florida…ha…dont drive over them….and sadly we encroach and destroy their habitat….


    • Those armadillos along with ‘possums seem to have an uncanny way of ending up underneath cars on the roads…poor things. We could use much more prudence in how we go about developing our living spaces so our encroaching wouldn’t be so devastating. Thanks, Brian.


  6. My comment seems to have joined a previous thread Gayle! ! must have clicked ‘comment’ in the wrong place, sorry. Xx


    • I was going to reply to you down here anyway, Christine…thank you! I like your perspective of living parallel to one another…and true, they do seem to get along much better without our intervention. xoxo


  7. Hi, Gayle! This is so beautifully descriptive. I apologize for my long absence and am catching up a very little. Hope you and yours are very well. Blessings. Peace. Joy. Diane XO ❤


    • Hi Diane, how nice to have you come by…and you never need to apologize for any absences. Family is doing well thanks and hope all is right with you and yours as well. And thank you for your compliment. xoxo



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