
Piano Keys warm

Image via Wikipedia

Rhythmic urgings
would emerge as I
watched your sensitive
fingers flicker effortlessly
over the keys of the piano.
Just the fact that you  

were so agile and adept
and the ease of which it
flowed, made my heart
ignite, the same way
you lit the instrument.

Your guitar playing
was an equal source of
feelings.  At times tears
would pool in my eyes
as you played ragas of
ancient India, the run of
notes flying through the
air as they took flight
from the strings.  The
tempo transmuting my
breath to sospirando

Equally blessed on
the harmonium and
tablas, you quickly
became skilled at
accompanying kirtan
with either instrument.
Each played with great
expertise by your vast
background of musical
knowledge and innate
sense of scale and meter.

Those were days of
love, romance and seeing
the beauty that was you. 

Alas, muta!

Write2Day–Music and the Written Word:

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  1. Beautiful, how you use music as a tie in for lost love. Gotta watch out for those musicians! Thank you so much, Gayle. I also liked the incorporation of Indian music (I think that’s it, right?) Makes me want to learn more. I just ordered a course on Buddhism from the Teaching Company. They have wonderful college courses.


  2. Thank you, Victoria. I wonder what it is about those musicians…

    Yes, Indian instruments and music was incorporated in this. I’m sure you’ve heard some of it before with the sitar and other stringed instruments and with the tablas (drums). Beautiful, very unique sounds.

    I’m sure you’ll enjoy that course. I’ve taken some meditation courses on Mindfulness and Buddhism through Shambhala Publications…a good source for books, videos and courses too. I’ve gotten catalogs in the mail for “The Great Courses”. Very intriguing…they have some good offerings.


  3. I understand every word. I ‘feel’ music. There’s a man called Ernesto Cortazar, he’s passed on now but his piano music will never die. He has such a way of playing the keys that he actually ‘holds’ you in the notes. I play his music to listen to in the background as I write a lot of the time. It’s as if he makes love to the piano. Amazing and gifted talent.
    Love this piece of yours.


    • I think there’s many like us who feel music very deeply. It has a real power to it doesn’t it. I’m glad you can relate…thanks so much.


  4. I always read your post in my mail. I’m glad i subscribed when i could, This poem is beyond sweet and more so in the way you have set it. I’m glad that you share your work. I miss you Gayle!

    Love and Light Always,


    • I’m very honored that you are still reading my postings…I had no idea.. and it seemed like you had taken a break the last time I visited. I’ve never forgotten our have a special talent. Thanks for the lovely note, GG.



  5. beautiful tribute to a musician… they do the same thing which we do to words… you’re sounding pretty good right now


    • Thanks, Patricia. Yes, their communication is through the sounds they produce…what a treasure. And I appreciate the nice compliment too.


  6. It is amazing to me how much music plays into romance, celebration and recovery from love (along with other parts of our lives) — so full of emotion … and part of the magical carpet ride through time and occasions. Lovely piece, Gayle!!


    • It’s so true, Becca. Think of the songs that stick in our minds during particular times in our lives…they really seem to take root in our DNA don’t they?

      Thank you, Becca…so nice of you to say! xoxo


  7. When I read your poetry, I hear music. Always. 🙂


  8. so easy to fall in love with a great musician


  9. Love the new look of your site Gayle! Love this musical piece. The piano is my instrument of choice but there have been sax, guitar and other wind instruments that my children took to growing up. Could not live without music in my life. Thank You!


    • Thank you, Renee…yeah, I wanted to try something a little lighter for a change. I’m glad you liked this. We had a lot of music around us growing up. My Dad loved all kinds of music and my oldest brother played several instruments and played in a local band for several years. I guess it was natural that I ended up marrying a musician. I can’t live without it either…when I was a teenager, music was my religion! 🙂


  10. music can speak so much, and you captured it so gorgeously my dear, sweet friend. just loved the connection you explained so passionately.

    music from anyone can touch me very deeply.


  11. Androgoth

     /  January 17, 2012

    I have a word for this one Gayle…

    Brilliant 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


  12. How lovely, Gayle! … and don’t we often tie in music with love, but this is special …

    … and you’ve redecorated. Wonderful. Tasteful. I love it. Kudos!

    I’ve missed you. It’s going to take forever to catch up, but I will. And, Gayle, I just noticed you have three of my blogs listed in your blog roll. How kind. Most grateful. I am working on my website again. When it is done, I will have all my faves listed on a special page with a break down by subject. I’m excited.

    Your poems get more and more beautiful as time goes by. Lovely!

    Hugs! and Best Wishes for 2012!
    Jamie and Gypsy
    and Rob and Ann


    • You have made my day…I have missed you very much and I’m glad to have you stop by again, Jamie. I’ve been thinking of you…

      Yes, I decided to go with something a bit lighter…nice, huh. I’ve had those three sites of yours listed for a while now…well you’re one of my favorites…of course you’re on my blogroll! I have thought I should organize my blog a bit differently too, but not quite sure how or what to do to accomplish that.

      I’m so encouraged by your kind words that I am growing in my writing. What more could I ask for…thanks so very much.

      Best wishes for all of you in the coming year as well. Hugs and love…


  13. hi gayle.. good to see you keeping up! this is indeed a great post.. and best wishes this new year..


    • Hi Kris…yes, I’ve been mostly keeping up..with breaks here and there. I’m glad you liked this, thank you. And best wishes for your new year too! xo



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