A Royal Daydream

Windsor Castle at sunset as viewed from the Lo...

Image via Wikipedia

If I traced my ancestry

Would I find a monarchy?

Perhaps I’m the fourth cousin

(twice removed)

Of an English Queen or two.

Does that mean I should shift

Into a castle or a palace?

And live out my days,

As all good royals should,

Being pampered and spoiled

And primly mollycoddled?

Which residence would it be–

Buckingham, Windsor, Balmoral or

Maybe Kensington or Holyroodhouse?

Or better yet, I could relocate at whim

And stay at them all, rotating about.

A royal household isn’t

Much like any other.

It takes a multitude of people

To run it fitting and proper.

There’s someone needed to

Serve your daily high tea–

(Egads, everyone knows

You never boil your own water!)

There’s housekeepers galore, and

Persons to tend the laundry,

Cooks and butlers and plenty of dusters,

Dog walkers, shoppers,

And polishers of the crowns,

And lots of accountants to

Take care of all the money.

And there’s even a speech therapist around

In case there’s a tongue-knotting lisp that abounds.

Perhaps it’s seen as a life of ease,

To live the life of the privileged

But it could get in the way

Of the life that I please–

I think I’ll stay put as a commoner.

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  1. I think I would prefer to get my own tea. I don’t believe they are very happy with the eyes of all always on them. I much prefer to be a commoner, too.

    Though, it is a very account of what it may be like.



    • Oh, me too. I would hate to have all that staff milling about my home! No thank you.

      Gayle xoxo


  2. TC

     /  May 13, 2011

    interesting thoughts, and a good conclusion!


  3. Ha! This is too clever. Big smiles.

    Think I like the indpendence and privacy of my own little apartment in my own little burg, make my own tea, and keep my Brooklyn accent. Thank you!

    Well done and thanks for the chuckles, Galye.


    • I feel exactly as you do. Keep that Brooklyn accent!

      So pleased you liked this, Jamie–thanks so much for your support of me. xoxo


  4. Me too, Bodhirose! I can believe my home a castle and I “The Queen” without all that or a crown. 🙂 Fun poetry.


  5. jgavinallan

     /  May 14, 2011

    Gayle–this could be a great social commentary about the need or non-need for royalty.

    This piece is witty, but there is an underlining meaning here. Maybe…we know people who act like royalty. Just they are missing a crown.
    Isn’t it better to be pampered by someone who loves you…and not an employee?

    love it and you too


    • I’ve wondered for years why the world still has “royalty”. What is the purpose? It seems like a very outdated idea to me. I just don’t get it–it boggles my brain.

      And for sure we all know people who think they are better than others or that they are of a higher class. Far better to be pampered by those who love you and have real affection than a stranger who is hired to do so. Although I imagine that many of the employees grow to have true affection and/or love for their employers.

      Glad you found this amusing. I was requested to write a poem for an upcoming Poetry Potluck theme–this is what I came up with.

      Thanks, Jaye!

      Love and hugs,


  6. Hi, Gayle!

    Thanks for your visits to my blog.

    Regarding your comment on the movie “The Love Parade:” I discovered when I went to look for a vid to put in the post that the entire movie is available on Hulu!!!



    • Hi Jamie–you’re very welcome–I enjoy your interesting blog and postings. Thanks for letting me know. I didn’t know about Hulu offering shows to watch for free–very cool. I’ll have to look it up–I love old movies!

      Thanks again! xoxo


  7. this is fantastic gayle. after watching “roman holiday” i no longer wish to be a princess, or queen.

    i am quite happy where i am. its true that they are brought up most beautifully but that discipline will kill me. believe me!

    i felt like crying with audrey hepburn in the scene before she bolted. poor sweetheart!


    • “Roman Holiday” is one of my favorite movies. And I adored Audrey Hepburn. I loved it when she broke away and became a regular person for a short while.

      I think it would kill me too.


      • for once we differ though 😉 i like kings, queens, and every thing beautiful about them.

        i will be very sad if they disappear. there is some thing very sophisticated and special about them.


      • I just don’t understand what the purpose is of having a family/families that hold so much wealth but don’t really do anything for it. I guess I don’t have that romantic nature, I’m much more practical minded.


      • well i dont mind them having wealth or being prosperous 🙂
        its fine with me as long as they dont steal from or rob others.

        i have a special weakness for them, there is no doubt about that, and am not wee bit embarassed for that.

        i would have loved to be one (by birth). undoubtedly.


      • I know, we usually agree on most things. 🙂

        When I was a young girl, I too was fascinated with the idea of being a princess and the fairytale life they (supposedly) had. But now I question why the world needs them.

        Why do we?


      • well, why do we need beautiful old buildings? 😉

        they take so much space, they can be pulled down and transformed into housings or villas appropriate for modern days. 😉

        i dont mind having some beautiful things around me, even if they are not useful in the broad sense, truly.

        there are lot of other things which are part of human society and are not even beautiful, first lets get rid of them. no. 1 war. who needs a war?


      • We do agree on this–who needs war? Let’s get rid of wars in our societies. I did just read of the Queen going to some country for a peace mission–so if Royalty does serve a useful purpose for keeping peace then I’m all for them. But really do they need all the opulence and wealth that they have accumulated? I just have questions about them…


      • so have so many 🙂
        like arm dealers, oil barrons etc etc
        i really dont care much about wealth of others, but when they share that extra wealth with poor i love it.
        like bill gates does and quite a lot of other rich people.


      • I too love when the wealthy share and do good works with their monies–very inspiring. 🙂


      • if they dont (and they dont rob from others) i just think that they might have. i really dont care much about their wealth if it is not stolen from others.

        as for kings and royals they have studded our planet with most beautiful artefacts and buildings.


      • What I had wondered is whether or not their wealth and riches came about through wars and/or plundering. Did they take properties and lands from others through force to gain power?

        I too admire the beautiful landmarks, buildings and treasures but… I’m just wondering.


      • well, then in case, theirs was a wealth accumulated in long past. lets start with the present day rogues and first strip them off.

        royals are no longer doing such activities, digging graves sounds like that aesop story of wolf and lamb. 🙂


      • I will keep an open mind concerning the Royals but I still have questions so will continue my wondering… 🙂


  8. Clever take on the castle prompt, Gayle.


  9. It would be a good reality show if the Queen ever needed money to attend to her affairs..


  10. Very wise take on a seemingly fairy-tale prompt. I very much enjoyed it. My potluck: http://verseinanutshell.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/protect/


  11. This shines with your wonderful sense of humour – lovely writing 🙂


  12. Jaan Pehchaan

     /  May 15, 2011

    With all the build up, the ending was beautiful! Here is mine: ere is mine: http://jaanpehchaan.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/under-the-influence/ – Part 1 of 3!


    • So glad you enjoyed this Jaan–thank you. Now let me go see what you’ve written–a three-parter no less!


  13. hehehhe…this is brilliant, Gayle! 🙂 Totally enjoyed this one…
    Oh.. and if you need some company while on your palace-hopping spree, do gimme a buzz, will ya?! I will be RIGHT BY YOU …and in a jiffy too! 😉


    • Hi Kavita–so glad you liked this funny take on the prompt!

      You are more than welcome to come palace-hopping with me–that would be fun! 🙂 Always plenty of guest rooms you know!


  14. Beautiful one and so fun to read–I too would like the freedom to let down my hair and put my feet up on the table-servants would smother my own self.


  15. Jessica

     /  May 16, 2011

    But if you married into royalty you get to stand on that balcony and wave to all your new subjects!!!!
    I enjoyed this.



    • Oh, yeah, you have to wave from that balcony and have subjects… No, I don’t want to. 🙂

      Thanks, Jessica!


  16. Love your royal dream..would like to try it for a day or so!!


  17. royalty day dreaming is so fun. i smile throughout 🙂
    here’s mine http://amazingmetamorphosis.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/our-kingdom/


  18. Fantastic write, Gayle. It made me laugh, I surely would be better off making my own tea!
    Thanks for sharing.


  19. Alive aLwaYs

     /  May 16, 2011

    Quite a stand on “Royalty”.
    Loved the speech therapist part, did you draw it from “King’s Speech”?


    • That’s exactly where my reference to the speech therapist came from. That was such an interesting movie. Thanks, AliveAlways!


  20. Lol. 🙂 This was absolutely delightful! I really like the phrase “primly mollycoddled”. You sum it up so well and describe things about royalty that I never really thought about much. I’m with you, though – the money might be nice to have, but I’d much rather be the mistress of my own life, even if it means I’m a ‘commoner’ – I think you know, too, that a well-lived and experienced life is never common! Great entry into the potluck.


    • I’m glad you enjoyed this so much–thank you very much. I tried to interject some “English” words in there–including egads! You’re so right about a well-lived and experienced life–it is never common.

      Thanks for a great comment, Dragonkatet!


  21. masterful and beautiful.
    the dreamy castle is magical in sight…

    thanks for sharing.



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