Best Boy Ever

Hi Jan–Nicholas and I had a wonderful time together this morning.  He’s the sweetest, best boy ever.  First, he informed me that you had said when Aunt Gayle gets there that he could eat his chocolate Sponge Bob Square Pants–so he couldn’t get to it fast enough when I walked in the door.  Yum, yum!  Then it was on to basketball–where we got continual “overtimes”.  We both made some baskets.  Fun!  Sad Mishap number 1:  wayward basketball hits Grandmommie’s glass, gold-colored hummingbird feeder and breaks it.  Nicholas immediately apologized profusely–I told him it was just an accident and was not his fault.  I left it on the kitchen counter–picked up broken glass from porch and threw away.

We then went for walk/bike ride around block.  Michael came out and let Nicholas have two small, whopper eggs.  Yum, yum!  Came in and looked at the Highlights magazine and searched for hidden things in a picture–read a couple of stories.  Then he piled pillows up on couch to sit on–Gayle said, be careful that you don’t slip and bonk your head on the table–he asked “Why?”  Two minutes later–slipped and had Sad Mishap number 2:  head bonked table.  Small boo-boo.  Gayle held him while he cried and then asked if he wanted to put some ice on it to help it feel better–he said yes.  All better!
He wanted to take me to his school and got his backpack and said “come on” and that he knew the way.  Talked him out of it.  Spent much time telling him why I wasn’t going to let him eat his M & Ms and/or his lollipop!  He was very persistent, but I won!

Went outside to smell gardenia flowers and watched two squirrels eating from some plants–they got close and we liked them.  I told Nicholas maybe he could take his teacher a flower the next day.  Then spied wasps buzzing around–I told him those bugs will sting and to be careful around them.  Saw hawk fly low towards us and go over the rooftop–cool!  Watched other birds in the trees and commented.  Soon heard Dad’s car coming–Dad’s home!  Dad spots a small grasshopper on a toy out front, tells Nicholas go get his bug catcher and bug house–Dad catches grasshopper and puts it in house.  Nicholas wants to show Grandmommie when she comes home.  Gayle hugs and kisses the best boy ever and says she loves him so much.  Hug and kiss in return.  Successful mission completed!

I babysat for my nephew’s three year old son, Nicholas, this morning.  The above is the email I sent my sister recapping the busy morning we had together.  Nicholas and his Dad live with my sister and her husband.  Nicholas has been playing basketball since he was around 14 months old.  He is an accomplished player.  And he’s the best boy ever!

Entering this for The Purple Treehouse:  Funny Bunny Week Five:
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  1. What a beautiful face and a beautiful smile.

    Sounds like you both had a great day. Nice!

    Are you exhausted now?


    • He’s very beautiful–inside and out. Probably the most wearing thing about spending time with him is that he is extremely vocal and loves to talk–constantly. Whew! But I find him so entertaining and very fun to hang with–he is a cool little kid!

      Yes, Auntie Gayle had a nap when she got home.


  2. seems like you had a beautiful day with a sweet angel. he is a really sweet looking child. 🙂

    a very happy child.


    • He is a sweet angel. He’s been a joy ever since he was born. Such an easy baby–very mellow. He’s very smart and really fun to be with. I just adore him.


  3. Hi Gayle

    Isn’t it amazing how much energy children have? When our children are grown and we are faced with grandbabies or nephews we are instanty reminded. I suppose that is why we have them when we are young. He is so cute. His smile can melt anyone.You are a GREAT Auntie…!!!!



    • Hi Isadora, yes it’s amazing alright! I’m glad I had my girls when I was young. I think it’s easier that way. They do require so much of your attention and energy–and that’s as it should be. They need and deserve it.

      I love that little boy–he’s a true treasure to me.



  4. jgavinallan

     /  May 30, 2011

    Oh…what a lovely piece…the love is all over it.
    I was with you and helping you with the little angel.

    hugs to both of you



    • The love can’t help but come out when I talk about him. He is just the sweetest, smartest little guy and is super fun to be with. He is an angel for sure!

      Thanks, Jaye! xoxo


  5. when your children are young it’s so precious, then they get old and become totally different people


    • Yeah, they’re so precious when young. I’m fortunate that my daughters grew up to be very good people who I still like. 🙂

      I hope Nicholas can retain his sweetness and very nice demeanor–he has a lot going against him though…


  6. He’s a cute little blessing, too!

    Dang! (that dog)


  7. cute smile,

    what an experience, Thanks for sharing.


  8. cool,

    your blog only allows wordpress or face book accounts, not sure why,

    hope to comment using guest option.


  9. amazing story,



  10. Thanks…he’s a darling. 🙂



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