
This is my first blog site.  Most of my writing probably will be true life experiences that I have had.  We’ll see what else shows up…

Thank you for stopping by and commenting or critiqueing what I have written.  You can email me at:  bodhirose@yahoo.com.

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  1. You are doing a simply wonderful job with this.


  2. adding you into my blogroll- feel free to add me..


  3. As a previous commenter on my site, I wanted to invite you to join in a new type of link sharing forum I’ve set up on my blog. I hope to see you there!

    Smiley Sociology Study #2


  4. Hi, just to let you know, I’ve put a link to your blog on my page called “My Blogging Friends” 😀

    Have a good evening,
    Chloe xx


  5. I read several of your poems and liked them all. Forgive me not commenting on them individually but am pressed for time right now. Thanks for visiting me, too. Hugs, pat


  6. Wonderful Blog…


  7. I’ve subscribed! 😀 Great blog!!


  8. Androgoth

     /  January 6, 2012

    Thank you for calling by and having a read of my nonsensical posting regarding ‘Finger Painting’…

    OAP stands for Old Age Pensioner…

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned Gayle? 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


    • You come up with some great ideas…but really people could have classes where they finger paint on each other…nothing would surprise me at all as to the behavior of people. 🙂

      Thanks for clarifying that for me. xo


      • Androgoth

         /  January 7, 2012

        Thank you for your kind thoughts Gayle,
        hey if you call in and notice that posting
        has vanished then don’t worry I have been
        doing some winter cleaning and have now
        removed some of those nonsensical ones,
        well my Space is supposed to be Horror 🙂

        I think that I have been losing my way a
        little recently and so I have decided to add
        more of my favoured genre for a change
        even though I have lost some friends due
        to the darker nature of the Scripts, that was
        why I started adding a variety of postings to
        see how it would pan out, sort of speculating
        I guess but I will add a few of the other themes
        from time to time but for now I will be writing
        Horror again 🙂 😉 I hope you don’t get put off
        by my change of direction as I always enjoy
        your visits my great friend and if the horror
        ones are not to your liking then I have the
        Guestbook 03 standing by 🙂

        Have a nice and relaxing weekend Gayle and
        keep on with your most delightful writing, you
        have a wonderful approach and always keep
        me riveted to your very fine work 🙂

        Androgoth XXx


  9. You must stay true to what you want to write about…it does no good to try to conform to something you don’t want to do. I support you in that choice. I will visit and see how it goes. 🙂

    I always appreciate your visits and supportive comments, Androgoth…be well. xoxo


    • Gray Dawster

       /  January 27, 2019

      Hey it’s been ages since I was here last but we have our alternative haunts so I am really happy that we have been keeping in touch. Now all we need to do is to start posting here again, and soon 🙂 xxx


      • Hi Andro, so nice of you to drop in even though it’s like a ghost town over here. I have been writing some lately but with a physical writing group nearby. I would like to get some traffic coming by my blog again…we’ll have to see how I manage that. I’m so glad we’ve kept in touch too…you’ve been a good and faithful friend. Let me know if you start writing any “scripts” again. Your stories were so interesting. xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

        • Gray Dawster

           /  February 1, 2019

          Yes my dear friend, and I do hope to start adding a few of those newer scripts on my space. Thank you for the support all these years and of course for your most excellent friendship, which is valued very highly my dear.

          Andro xxx


          • I’ll be looking forward to anything new you’d like to share. I think some of your fans have been waiting very patiently for you to come up with something to post again. You’re a sweetheart, Andro, and I appreciate our friendship very much also.


  10. Get ready for an award, Gayle! I just gave you the Kreative Blogger Award. Just posted the info on my blog… So well deserved… 🙂


    • Thanks to one non-accepting of awards person to another. 😉 So I went a similar way that you did and thanked you and others together. I have given you the link in a comment to your last blog.

      I appreciate the acknowledgment and kind words you have for my writing, Lorna. That means a lot.


  11. I also put you on my blog roll. Don’t know why I didn’t do that eons ago…


  12. Hi there! My name is Pam, and I found you through the Crazy Chics Club! Nice to “meet” you! I thought I would stop by and say hello (I’m a little behind on reaching out to new members, SO sorry).

    Love what I’ve seen on your blog so far, so I’ve subscribed. Us Crazy Chicks have got to stick together! Can’t wait to read more. Xoxo Pam


    • Hi Pam..sorry I hadn’t responded sooner to your lovely comment. I appreciate your visit and although I’ve not been as active recently, I look forward to getting to know another Crazy Chick! Thanks for coming by… Gayle xoxo


  13. Hi Gayle,

    My sister is a Board Member for a small rural library. Their collection of poetry, especially for young adults, is slim to none. Do you have an recommendations for their collection? Anthologies, popular contemporary poets, books about the craft of poetry? Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Send them to dizzylorna@hotmail.com

    Thanks so much!


  14. Androgoth

     /  May 27, 2012

    Have a very nice start
    to your week Gayle 🙂 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


    • We’re celebrating a national holiday (Memorial Day) this long weekend which also serves to “officially” start summer here in the U.S. Was out of town all day yesterday…goofed around on the computer today and was basically lazy and good-for-nothing all day..except for making dinner. Gotta eat!

      Have a lovely week to come, Androgoth. 🙂


  15. Androgoth

     /  August 10, 2012

    I hope that you are getting ready for a wonderful weekend Gayle, I have been taking some time out from posting (actually I have removed 95% of my postings but I add rather frequently so there will be more to read soon, I hope? 🙂 ) and watching the Olympics, thoroughly enjoyable it is too, but only two more days to the closing ceremony now 🙂

    I hope that you are very well my great friend and after the olympics I will be calling by to see what you have been getting up to 🙂 Hope nothing tooooooooooooooo naughty 😉 🙂 lol Kidding…

    Androgoth XXx


    • Hey, it’s so nice to hear from you, Androgoth. You’ve removed almost all of your postings…my goodness…you must be on a creative roll if you’re adding more postings frequently. Good for you..and all of your readers too..including me! I’m enjoying the Olympics too..it’s been great watching them. How has it been for you having it in your country…maybe you’re not close to the “epicenter” of activity though.

      I’m doing well and look forward to seeing you around soon. No, unfortunately…nothing exciting or naughty has been happening to me. Oh, well… 😉



    • Oh, goodness, Izzy, I’m just seeing this here. I guess it was posted while I was packing and moving and away from my blog. I’ll have to check this out! Thanks, my friend! xoxo


  16. You have been so wonderfully supportive and was hoping to find a way to email you but I cannot find a link here but just to say (I was told not to post anything yet) that I have heard from Mark and it is a go. Thank you so much for having confidence in my abilities as a writer. Hope you are well and enjoying your granddaughter.


    • This is very good news, Renee. I’m so happy for you. Yay! Please let me know when your item is published, and the link, when the time comes.

      I hope this will give you a big boost in your confidence about your abilities too. See, I just knew it! They sure did take their time though making up their minds…oh, well, maybe it felt even better to you after waiting so long. I hope it did.

      Mira and I are enjoying each other immensely. She’s 12 weeks old today and has already started turning over on her tummy and looking around at the world! What a dear little person! 🙂

      I need to make my way over to your blog. I’m wonderfing how your daughter is doing after her surgery… I hope improved, Renee.


      • Thanks Gayle. I had rather decided it was not going to happen so I wouldn’t be disappointed but I guess you never know. There are three and I will let you know when. If they contacted you right away it does make me question why it took so long but I can’t think about that right now. They could have said yes to only one and no to the others so that they said yes to all three…well, that is something to think about there. So glad you are enjoying your little cuddle bug. I do miss the babies but it doesn’t last forever. Even my youngest grandchild is already four and very precocious.


        • When we submitted poems through dVerse, they gave us a date to expect an acceptance or otherwise. So I knew it was going to be awhile and didn’t expect anything before that time. You were put in a different situation and didn’t know what to expect. I’m very, very pleased that you gave it a try and that all three of your submissions were accepted. You have a talent, Renee, and it is being recognized now…although others have recognized it before. Like I said, please let me know when they are published, I want to go see them in the ezine!

          I am loving every moment with her. Nothing compares to getting a big, crooked grin from that little darling. Yeah, before you know it they’re crawling, walking and then running out the door aren’t they! I love precocious little kids…they’re fascinating. 🙂


          • Thanks Gayle for all of your kind words and encouragment. Some days I feel I have more…of a kind of talent…than other days. Probably my crazy fatigue that I have. Oh, well, I look for those days when my mind is working. LOL
            I’m so glad you now have this little one. The moments you spend with her will be priceless..as they say. My grandson, Kade, is but four but acts like 30. I just look at him and can’t imagine how lucky I am that he is here to share all of his moments with me.


  17. You’re very welcoome, Renee. You are so deserving. I have days of fatigue, pain and “brain fog”…makes it very difficult to keep up with blogging. Mostly, I get behind on visiting others and then feel guilty about it.

    We both are very fortunate to have grandchildren in our lives that we adore…it will serve us all very well.


  18. Hi, just to say I’ve nominated you for the blog of the year 2012. http://lonelyrecluse.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/blog-of-the-year-2012-nomination/


    • Don’t know if I even acknowledged you for this TLR. I’m sorry about that but am pleased that you thought of me to nominate for the blog of the year…wow. I’ve decided not to accept any other awards but please know that it doesn’t diminish your generosity…thank you so much.


  19. Happy Valentine’s Day Gayle 😉 🙂 xxxx


    • Thank you my sweet friend. How thoughtful you are. I hope you have a lovely day with your lady love. Happy Valentine’s Day, Geoff! xoxo


  20. Hi Gayle, You’ve been so kind I want to thank you for stopping by when I’ve been absent. Had a bit of upset last week. My 89yr old father in CA went missing for about 24hrs but was found safe. Turned out he had a health issue and was dehydrated and got confused. He has had surgery and is home recovering. My sister lives with him and works full time so in 3 weeks I will go down and help her figure out some ways in which dad can go places without driving. There is a brother down there now, who might cause some problems, so it will be better after he comes back home up this way. I have no relationship with him for years now but he moved after retirement to WA in any case. Hope all is well with you and hope I will be able to get back to writing soon.


    • Hi Renee, thanks for letting me know what’s going on…and I’m really sorry to hear about your Dad’s trouble. I can imagine the worry you must have been feeling. I hope between you and your sister that something will be figured out to keep your father safe and happy. It was hard for me to leave my 86 year old mother behind when I moved here to help take care of Mira. I had gotten used to going with her to doctors’ appointments, shopping for her, etc. although she still does drive (mostly just close to her home) and can get herself to church, the drugstore and the grocery store. But one of my sisters lives close by and has stepped up to help her out when she needs it. It’s not easy caring for an elderly parent. I’m just glad our mother is in relatively good health at this point. Will look forward to your return when you’re able…take care, Renee.


      • Thanks Gayle! Hopefully after tomorrow things will get better. My older brother told my sister he will come by once more and I am hopeful he will simply visit and leave. Once he is back here in WA my sister should calm down and do better. He has caused alot of people grief over the years but every family has at leat one, they say. Take care.


        • I think you’re right, Renee…it does seem like most families have at least one difficult family member. It’s not easy being a family! I hope all involved will soon feel more at ease…including that brother of yours. 🙂


          • Thanks Gayle! I finally posted something. I don’t like being off my site too long. I believe things are okay. I picked up m daughter yesterday from the airport. She went down and I was thankful for that but I do worry about my sister. She isn’t quite as tough as I would like her to be and she has been through alot. Take care.


  21. I’m glad to hear things are okay…family issues can be so challenging on many levels…believe me, I know. And that’s one of them…wanting someone to be tougher than they want/can be! Or wanting someone to be not so tough! 🙂 Can drive us crazy can’t it? Glad to see you around on dVerse too.


  22. Hope you are well. I’ve not been on lately but think of you and your grandbaby. My roommate has lost her job so will be putting the house on the market sooner than expected. Was going to in a couple of years anyway so will do it sooner. Needed to downsize in any case. A new chapter to begin again. Take care.


    • I am well but haven’t been on my blog lately myself. Thanks for thinking of me, Renee and keeping me updated with your life. Maybe you haven’t started that training that you spoke of yet…coming up in the summer? Seems like life always has something to keep us on our toes doesn’t it. My sister and her husband are downsizing to a smaller place now too. I hope the sale of your house goes as you would like and isn’t a stressful thing for you. You can email if you would prefer…bodhirose@yahoo.com…anytime. Always love to hear from you.


  23. Hey there!
    It has been quite long since you last visited my blog and shared your valuable feedback! 🙂
    Here are some tokens of remembrance, and appreciation for you. I will actually be glad if you just visit and accept, no rules necessary.
    Sincere wishes,


  24. Just thinking about you as I have not seen you around and about lately on WP, so just dropping in to see how you are doing, and Our Grandchildren are growing fast are they not.. Love and peace to you Gayle,
    Love Sue xoxox


    • Hi Sue…so glad to hear from you. No, I haven’t been around on WP…not posted anything for several months now. I do hope I get bitten by the writing bug again; I do miss it at times. Really I guess I just need to do it…right? Mira had her 1st birthday on September 3. She shared her birthday week with me and her mother too. My birthday was the 5th and my daughter’s is the 6th! It was really fun and the festivities spilled over into this week too. I’m enjoying her so much and she’s already up and walking…what a darling baby she is. I know you’re just as enthralled with your grand(child)children as I am. Thanks again for checking in with me…I do appreciate that.

      Love and peace (and a hug),


      • Wow, what a great month for celebrations. My Granddaughter will be 3 on Dec 3rd, and what joy you have a waiting as they string words together and hold little conversations with you… I can not fault your priorities at all.

        You will start your poetry again Gayle when you are inspired and it will be all the better for the wait xoxox Love Sue xxxx


  25. Gail, I just found your blog and listened to your lullaby. I love it! I know it is so special to your daughter that you presented it to her. Your brother has a beautiful voice. I hope to talk more often in 2014! Is your Mom still in CPark? My parents are buried in Arlington National Cemetary and so miss them. I look forward to reading more as I am able .


    • Hi Sandy…how nice to find a message from you here. And so glad you enjoyed that lullaby…thank you. It was great to join with my brother in creating that gift for my daughter…and little Mira who is now 16 months old. Yes, my mother is still in College Park living in the same house where I grew up…Dad passed away in 2005. So sorry to hear of your parents’ passing…I’m sure you do miss them.

      I’ve actually just posted something last night after quite a few month’s break from my blog. I hope to get back into regular posting again. I do enjoy writing. Thanks again for coming by and I welcome the opportunity to talk in the coming year.

      Happy New Year!


  26. Hi Gayle, I keep thinking about you and my promise to send you the 2nd edition of my memoir. I need you address. Could you send it to me via email at dizzylorna@hotmail.com?

    Hope all is well. I’m still editing my novel and dealing with seemingly endless health issues. Oy Vey!


  27. Hope you are well my friend. Thought I would let you know that my daughter’s tests thus far have come back negative for cancer. She will have surgery next month on the 17th to remove a large cyst in her kidney of which they will do another biopsy. Take care.


  28. Hi Gayle, Where do you have your most recent post? I can’t seem to find it here on your site but I did get it in an email so know you did write one and I wanted to make a comment. Hope you are well now.


    • Well, I mistakenly posted an old poem of mine that was already published. So it came back down immediately. I’m doing well now, thanks. Always nice to hear from you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • An old poem? I read a very long piece about a golf course you and your friends played on as children and teens? Why would it come down? Did you remove it? I really did like the piece and was hoping to comment but I will say it here in any case. Good to hear back. Metta


        • No, not a poem, it was the golf course story and is already published on my blog. It’s somewhere on there. Don’t know if there’s any way for you to do a search? And I’m very glad that you enjoyed it. I recently sent a copy of it to my childhood best friend who is battling cancer. She’s the one who I referenced as my best friend in the story. Metta, Renee.

          Liked by 1 person

  29. Gray Dawster

     /  May 18, 2021

    I haven’t been in WordPress very much lately, in fact I have pretty much lost touch with this place but I’m starting to find my way back, it’s certainly changed a lot that’s for sure. I hope that your Tuesday has started well and that you are okay my dear bestie 🙂

    Andro x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, I’m hardly here much anymore either, Andro, and like you would love to find my way back to writing again. I have contacted my local writing group and they will be welcoming me back during our next meeting on the 27th so I’m looking forward to being inspired again. What happened? I used to be consumed with writing and now…barely anything. If you do add anything to your blog, please do alert me! My best to you always, My Bestie. xoxo


      • Gray Dawster

         /  May 24, 2021

        I’m thinking that with all the new changes here that there will be an alert or notification section to allow friends to see if there’s a new posting, I will have to look into that. You know what? If we make the effort, we can get back to writing, blogging, or whatever we choose because we’re inventive wordy creatures and both share a passion for the written word.

        Good luck with your writing group on the 27th May my beautiful friend, I’m sure that they will welcome you back with a big smile on their faces.

        Much love,

        Andro x


        • I’m sure there must still be notifications sent when/if I should ever post another entry on my blog. I still have people following my blog even while I’m absent! How kind of them. 🙂 I may be a wordy creature but my passion for writing has dwindled terribly. I do hope that my group can help kick-start some words flowing again. I sure hope so. My group has planned a little festivity to welcome me back which was very thoughtful and sweet of them. I look forward to it. Thanks for your thoughtfulness and sweetness too, my dear bestie! xoxo ❤

          Liked by 1 person

          • Gray Dawster

             /  May 25, 2021

            I’m sure that once you return to your group everything will click into place, for instance, my reply, and I’m only just feeling my way back into WordPress, so it’s definitely possible to filter back into something that we thought had been lost.

            I like that they have made such a positive welcome back for you, which proves they have missed your mist valuable input.

            ‘Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday’ springs to mind on this thought, and I don’t think you need to worry my dear sweet bestie, because I know that you are valued, and are a precious friend for all that know you.

            Keep Safe Gayle 😘

            Hugs, Andro x

            Liked by 1 person

  2. You are amazing!! And you know that, don’t you? | Randomlyabstract's Blog

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