Moon Rise From the Sea

One of my sisters and her husband love going to the beach. They don’t need any occasion to go, they’ll just drive the hour or so to get there and he’ll either surf if the waves are accommodating or they will sit on the beach under their canopy watching the waves or walk along its lengthy shoreline.

Several years back, the invitation went out to the family to join them one evening to watch the full moon come up at New Smyrna Beach. My boyfriend at the time and I drove over and joined the clan.  My brother-in-law had a fire pit going and as the sun’s rosy glow dwindled behind us, the full moon rose up on the far-off horizon of the Atlantic before us.  It was enormous.  It was so large that it took our breath away.  Ivory colored, with craters shadowed on its surface, I will never forget that humbling, overflowing moon on that chilly, fall night.

endless breaking waves
sparks fly against silhouettes
full moon’s ascension

Toni returns with Haibun Monday at 3PM EST.  Read her presentation at dVerse Poets Pub for all of the details.

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  1. Excellent. You told both the story and Haiku so well I could see and feel the night on the beach.


  2. Anonymous

     /  November 14, 2016

    Beautiful! The moon creates such lovely impressions in our minds. Memories, a feeling of being watched over, etc. I remember a huge moon when I was at Westminster Choir College back in the late 60’s. It looked like an orange VW in the sky! Great haiku to end this haibun.


  3. Posting this again….your haiku lovely and appropriate. The moon evokes so many memories for all of us. I think of the moon as a protection from the night.


  4. What a spectacular sight for your beach party!


  5. I have seen a moon rise in my lifetime so I can relate to the awe-inspiring sight ~ What an ascension it is ~ Look the haibun Gayle ~


  6. I have seen the moon many time, but what I remember most is its light rather than such a spectacular sight… I start to sing Mike Oldfield when reading your haibun.


  7. What a glorious sight that must have been! Wonderful haibun. I too would look out on the moon as comfort, night light, and friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Toni. Yes, it was pretty cool. There was something about looking up into the sky for comfort… I got to visit my sister and brother-in-law today at our mother’s house today and I reminisced with him about that night…and that extraordinary moon. We’ve made plans to do it again soon.


  8. Oh wow – amazing! I’m impressed by your family’s organisational skills and planning, too. It sounds like a memorable evening, you share it so beautifully with us.


    • Well, it was more like the word goes out to all of us and whoever can make it shows up. 🙂 We do enjoy each other’s company…it was a very memorable night. Thanks, Sarah!


  9. I like all the contrasts of warmth and cold, the sea and moon.


  10. There’s nothing more exhilarating than a beach by moonlight. What a fabulous way to spend the evening, with a fire pit, the sun going down and the moon rising! You’ve described the moon beautifully, Gayle, and I can see it, ‘Ivory colored, with craters shadowed on its surface’ and the haiku sums up the scene perfectly.


  11. I’ll never forget one of my
    first dates with a southern
    baptist girl named Janet.. in my mom’s
    car.. sister in tow too.. Janet in back seat..
    me in front.. a song named Moonlight feels
    right came on the radio..
    and the moon
    was big
    as ever
    as we
    traveled bridge cross
    a Summer sparkling
    bay from shore to shore in
    moonlight magic in tune with
    song.. i reached back and touched
    her leg.. and her non-verbal language
    said move your hand now.. so i did and
    what i still remember is the magic of that song
    and night no matter what as love was in the air for me..
    and never a
    was spoken
    over hand or leg..
    but hey.. it wasn’t pg rated either..
    all G with no P in those days innocent
    under moonlit niGht oF eYes with Love..;)


  12. Lovely haibun here.


  13. Beautiful story. I especially like the vivid description in the second paragraph.


  14. Rosemary Nissen-Wade

     /  November 15, 2016

    How very memorable!


  15. the waves and sparks of the haiku…what a fantastic way that must have been to watch the moon’s birth from the sea!


  16. Ah, I just love the moon and listening to ocean waves! Nirvana. Sigh…


  17. Oh how wonderful it must have catches you by surprise if you are there at the right time to get that magnified view…sweet write!


  18. What a beautiful experience, I can feel the comfort in the moonlight, and I love your haiku :o)


  19. Such a wonderful memory!


  20. I like how the moon brought you all together, shining on you with love and light. I could picture the scene around the fire with sparks and silhouettes…so warm and beautiful.


  21. beautiful vivid image!



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