How Great is a Kitty

In memory of Rumi Rose…a great kitty.

You were specially chosen
to come into our hearts,
a lightning-quick
energy of stops and starts.
Chasing unseen enemies
that propelled you along berms,
we delighted in your joy
and how your tininess squirmed.
So many smiles you brought
to our faces, invading
deeply into all of our spaces.

But soon it was apparent
that something was amiss,
issues of health told us
we can’t be remiss.
Visits to vets left them
scratching their heads,
what was this strange
malady that you did have?
They gave up and advised
that you’d soon be dead.
But your mother held
firm against a strong
tide and lifted you in light
with unwavering decide;
she kept her faith and
ignored the misguide.
She took you to doctors
who were willing to fight
and try what they could
to make your life right.

There were some close
calls when we thought
you were going but you
rebounded ever stronger
with vigor and glowing.
A lifelong taking of a
certain medicine kept
you among the living
with a steady purring.
Your countenance was pure
and you didn’t give a flip
for time wasted grooming,
aside from a cursory lick.

You bossed us and teased
and loved us unwavering
and surprised me especially
by curling up on my knees.
We knew you felt good when
you writhed on your back
on the warm, driveway pave-
ment near your favorite pack.
Mahan was your mother
but Mo was your man,
spending endless hours
with you out in the sun.

So many years passed
and you surprised us all
how you wanted to stay
with more days to play.
But finally we could see
that you were faltering,
your energy draining.
It soon became clear that
you couldn’t spring back,
and in no time at all
things turned pitch black.
Our hearts were broken
as your soul left your body,
but it no longer served you,
could no longer embody.
So now there are memories
that we have of you to share,
laughs at your shenanigans,
and your touchy, white paws.

Bjorn hosts us today at dVerse Poets for Open Link Night.  Please join us as we link up one poem of our choice to share.

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  1. Such a heartfelt write.


  2. This is quite a story, Gayle. I am so glad that you were persistent and determined to fight for the life of your cat. I curious though what his diagnosis was – that he apparently struggled with throughout his life. He definitely sounded like a fighter, one who gave you so much joy….and now some wonderful memories!


    • Rumi was my daughter’s cat, Mary, but when she first got him we were living together and then she moved away with him and then for the last couple of years of his life I had moved back in with her so had helped take care of him for several years. The best diagnosis we got was that he had some sort of autoimmune disorder that affected his liver. He took prednisone most of his life and had some alternative treatments that seemed to steady him. There were times that we thought he was going but he always seemed to rebound. He lived to be 13 years old which is pretty good given his precarious health. He was a special little soul…and a fighter for sure.


  3. What a beautiful tribute to a loving and loved pet. Peace, Linda


  4. I’m so glad that you could fight on and have many beautiful years together… I so remember our childhood cats… and it was always hard to see them leave (it was mostly cars that got them…) Love your tribute


    • Our world revolved around him especially because of his illness. We were so blessed to have had him in our lives. Thank you, Bjorn.


  5. I love this!!! So, so, so, so much. Big hearts for this. Such a sad ending, though. Poor baby. 😦


    • He was a poor baby, but he took his illness in stride. We were the ones that fell apart every time he had a crisis. Thank you, Em, very sweet of you.


  6. I have tears reading this dear Gayle.. brings back memories of my own dear Cat.. of 21 years… Heartfelt poem.. beautifully penned


  7. This is very touching Gayle ~ I admire your persistence and perseverance to save his health until the very end ~


    • It was my daughter’s doing that saved him. She didn’t listen to the doctors that gave up and found medical help that stabilized him. They were a strong, devoted team. Thank you, Grace.


  8. Such tender memories. Our cats and dog companions are so very precious and my belief is if one is able, we should do what we can for them. We do rescues and have ended up with some significant problems in some of our dogs but as we were able at the time to get them the care they needed, they repaid us with so much love. I know you cherished every moment you had with your little one…as she did with you.


    • They are precious to us, Victoria. My daughter took her responsibility to him very seriously. She was most devoted and they were lucky to have each other.


  9. Each of them is special in his/her own way, and they all leave paw prints on our hearts. I’m so glad that you were able to be part of the “Tribe of Tiger” and I know that Rumi was extra special to you (the kitten you found by seeing her from the motorcycle on a rainy night, right?). This was a moving tribute to a beloved family member. I hope that in time you are able to smile at the memories of all the good times you had together.


    • Corina, so happy to have you visit. No, Rumi came way after that kitten that I found that rainy night. I was still a teen living at home when I came across that one. Rumi was adopted by my adult daughter but she and I lived together for awhile after I divorced her Dad and it was early on that we realized something was really wrong with him. My daughter was the one who persevered and wouldn’t listen to the doctors who didn’t know what to do with him, or didn’t want to bother. We can remember him and smile but sometimes we really miss him.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Awwww. So sweet. This touched my kitty-lovin’ heart, deeply.


  11. Oh, Gayle, this wonderful memory of such a sweet kitty! So sorry the good times had to end. I know these feelings, as we recently lost two of our kitties to old age. It is heartbreaking, as they are family, and bring such happiness through the years.


    • We know we’re not alone in feeling the loss of our dear little Rumi but it sure put a damper on our household for a long time. Thanks for sharing your loss too…I’m so sorry.


  12. Such a tender tribute! ❤


  13. Sweet words and I’ve been there with many a dear pet. Hugs.


  14. Sweet, dear poem. I’ve been there with many a pet. hugs.


  15. sreejaharikrishnan

     /  February 19, 2016

    Loving tribute and so caring!


  16. The love we feel for our pets sustains us.


  17. There’s something special about our pets, and this poem is special, too.


  18. Feel proud that the love of your cat inspired you to write such a wonderful tribute x


  19. “You bossed us and teased
    and loved us unwavering”

    Those are the memories that stay with us forever, aren’t they? The ones that take us back to the moments when those we love (kitty or human) act exactly as who they are… and make us happy because of it.

    This is a delightful tribute. ♥


  20. A beautiful tribute to a wonderful, life loving cat.


  21. You can feel the dedication and love for your special friend throughout this piece. A tender tribute.


  22. Lovely memories of your departed pet/friend/family member.


  23. yelena

     /  February 22, 2016

    what a deeply touching tribute, Gayle..may Rumi’s beautiful soul rest in peace and light. thank you for sharing it.


  24. Love cures aLL..
    Yellow Boy proves too..
    8 yrs.. Feline.. Leukemia..:)


  25. I had a black cat that had feline aids. I was shocked to find this out but with medicine he lived for many years. His death was horrible but it did not deter from me remembering what a wonderful cat he was and all he gave me. So sorry for your loss it’s not easy to have a sick cat but I think they are extra special and come into our lives for good reason!


    • Hi Bekkie…thank you for sharing and for your kind words. I think if Rumi had been adopted by any other person he would not have survived very long. Many people are quick to “put down” pets that aren’t healthy or need special care. My daughter did a superb job of caring for him and in whatever ways were necessary. He proved to be well worth it.

      Liked by 1 person


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