Tame Wild Birds

On our way to Lake Kissimmee State Park, we were hoping to have an encounter with our favorite bird, the Florida Scrub Jay.  These wild birds were tame!  They would fly to our outstretched palms piled with peanuts if we stayed still long enough.  We then could get a personal and close-up view of them.

Photos:  Google Photos

Join G-Man (aka Mr. Know-it-all) and his Flash Friday 55:  http://g-man-mrknowitall.blogspot.com/

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  1. I Love Nature 55’s!!!
    Nice pics as well.
    Excellent post
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End


  2. oh wow…crazy cool…and a bit scary…great capture in word and pic…


    • No, not scary…like I said, they are “tame” wild birds. They’ll even fly to your head sometimes and perch there…fun!


  3. Oh they are BEAUTIFUL! 😀 They look so much brighter than the bluejays we have here, and where is their crest? I love the way their colors fade into each other though. It looks like that one is banded, so someone must be keeping track of it, and how COOL that they would eat from your hands! I would love to experience this. 🙂 Thanks very much for sharing this with us. Are the scrub jays mean to other birds? The ones we have here will drive away the birds and sometimes even the squirrels from the feeders by dive-bombing them! lol


    • They are beautiful and very cool! We have lots of blue jays too…and they look very different from one another. Scrub Jays have no crest and are a bit taller I believe. I first heard about these birds years ago from my ex mother-in-law who had them in her yard and told of how tame they were…it really is amazing. We’ve gone to several different locations where these birds can be found and all of them have the same behavior…they will come to an outstretched hand. The Blue Jays here are very aggressive like you describe…I’ve even been dive-bombed by them when getting too close to a nest and yes, they will chase other birds and squirrels from my feeders! They also are the ones who will put out the alarm if a hawk is in the area…what a racket! I’ve never seen the Scrub Jays act aggressive. So glad you enjoyed this, Corina. 😀


  4. ladynimue

     /  February 24, 2012

    b’ful shots !! 🙂


  5. That’s a gorgeous bird!


  6. Wow these are beautiful birds and lovely photos.. love to feed our birds here, these Jays are different than the Jays we have in the UK.. and we don’t get to see them that often..


    • I love these beautiful birds…they are very special. I have several bird feeders in my yard and we have Blue Jays that are very prevalent here…seen often at the feeders. The Scrub Jays are endangered and you have to go looking in the woods for them…or state parks where their habitat is protected.

      Thanks for coming by…


  7. Beautiful. Next time I’m in Florida I’ll have to check it out.


  8. I’m impressed by this fellow as our Blue Jays here are tempermental fellows and very picky about what is offered to them. Beautiful photos.


    • Their temperaments are very different than the Blue Jays…who can be aggressive and bossy. They are so much fun…you can’t believe it when these “wild” birds freely come and perch right on your hand…and/or head! 🙂


  9. what a lucky experience. hand feeding wild creatures is an amazing experience.


  10. I don’t know exactly why, but it feels like such an honor when a wild creature trusts enough to make personal contact with a human. They have so much to be wary of, and yet they take that leap of faith. I wish more people would do that!


  11. Jays are noisy and mischievious, but I do love them and miss them where I am living now. At our old place they used to graciously wake us up in the morning.


    • These Scrub Jays are different than the loud, mischievous Blue Jays that we see in our yards here. They don’t seem to be as “dramatic” as the Blue Jays. They’re amazingly curious and social birds that enjoy connecting to humans…wonderful!


  12. Very interesting! I didn’t know about the Scrub Jay. Thanks for sharing, Gayle!


    • They’re endangered birds that are only found in Florida…another reason why I am so interested in these amazing birds.


  13. Nice scene-setting, looks to be completed – as in: were said birds encountered, and if so, what was the resulting effect/emotion?


  14. This entry was written for G-Man’s Flash Fiction 55…writing a story in fifty-five words. I added a link underneath this short story of a longer story I had written on these birds and my personal experience with them. Here’s the link if you’re interested: https://bodhirose.wordpress.com/2010/12/15/florida-scrub-jays/

    Thanks for coming by, Steve.


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