
Deep corridors have been
furrowed into this shell
by life’s formidable quest.

Documented and recorded in detail,
nothing has escaped inscription
onto and within this body.

What once was supple, flexible,
smooth and soft has taken
on a stiffened, uncompromising
distinction.  Boundless, joyous youth
has incrementally given way to
become a myopic form that growls
and whimpers its way toward
its winter days.  Its voice raises
in absorbed weariness, as it
grouses and protests its inability
to move with the same grace, and
rebound from hardship as
it once was able. 

But let it complain.
I’m still in residence and
will continue the passage
and honor it as I can for
allowing me this homestead,
this temporary space to
grow and broaden my spirit.

Join Victoria C. Slotto, our hostess tonight, at dVerse Poets; Meeting the Bar–Contrast:

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  1. “To grow and broaden my spirits” Taht’s a good out look to have, in fact the only one. thank you


  2. “allowing me this homestead” ..I will remember this poem. As I age, I am caught between the joy of the comfort of my own skin and the sorrow of watching it age. I think you have penned that rather nicely, here.


    • I feel the same way, Leslie. I’ve seen the changes and have felt the comfort/sorrow too but, like I said, I’m still in residence. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. xo


  3. “corridors” this is my favorite word:)

    This was a great poem…. really enjoyed stopping by;) going to read some more!


    • I like that word too…I think it worked well there. I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself over here–many thanks for your visits, L.


  4. nice contrast between how young and old


  5. Boy, do I relate to this poem–and your spirit which says,
    I’m still in residence and
    will continue the passage
    and honor it as I can for
    allowing me this homestead,
    this temporary space to
    grow and broaden my spirit.
    As old age creeps in my bones, I too need to honor who I am even if I am not as supple as I once was. This is a wonderful poem with wonderful meaning.


    • It gets harder for me to “honor” it, but I still try to remember that it’s my “home” for now…and to be grateful in spite of the aches and pains. 😉

      Many thanks for your lovely visits and shared thoughts.


  6. nice…we collect the scars on the shell but it is still home and they are all earned as we grow withing…very nice…


  7. I’m still in residence and
    will continue the passage
    and honor …this is a good way to look at it..a fine write bodi


  8. Well crafted with strong images


  9. Even on the days when my “homestead” creaks and shudders, I try to remember that it houses my self, my soul…and it usually does a great job. But sometimes I feel like someone took a wreaking ball to it!

    Great poem. Is there anyone who can’t identify with it? 😉


    • Some days I feel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck! Hard to stay in a place of gratitude…but I think it’s important.

      Yeah, who couldn’t relate to this. Thanks, Lorna! 😉


  10. A wise post, and the contrast brilliant.


  11. This is a nice piece! It paints the image of contrast between old and young and how inside our souls we still feel vibrant despite the creaks and pains of age. Thanks!


  12. A contrast of young and old, but also, for me, of the body ready to give out in contrast to the indomitable spirit of determination. Of all that could be negative contrasted to the power of the positive.


    • You are so right…sheer determination has extreme power, and I like your take on the negative contrasted to the power of positive.


  13. neat way to handle wounds,

    bless you.


  14. A creative way of looking at aging gracefully…I like that the body is just a vessel and we continue to keep our spirit young and yearning.

    My share is here:

    Happy Holidays to you and your family ~


    • Thank you, Heaven. I like that too…that our spirit continues on (un-aging) as the vessel wears out. A very hope filled thought for me.

      Thanks too for the holiday wishes. May you and yours have a pleasant and love-filled holiday.


  15. A wonderful reflection on growing old…how the human in us feels the pain and complains about the less than flattering changes…but our essence appreciates that the soul strengthens as the body weakens…preparing us for the next journey that only needs the former…


  16. Hmmm…”Homestead”…the more I consider it, the more appropriate the title seems. There are many good lines in this, Gayle. I think my favorite is: “a myopic form that growls / and whimpers its way toward /
    its winter days.” The spirit is willing, etc. It’s certainly interesting to consider that ‘myopathy’ and how the mind can become just as inflexible as we age…it is good to exercise *all* aspects of ourselves, I think. 🙂 I think your writing just keeps getting better and better!


  17. Yes, this body is just the spirit’s “homestead” so to speak. And you are so right about the mind becoming just as inflexible as the body. I hope I never get to that place in my mind.

    And what a nice compliment on my writing…that’s very nice of you–thank you!



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