My Dear Little Man

When I come to visit, I seek you out.
Catching sight of you, my delight takes flight. 

A glance my way, a tiny smile flickers,
You’re a little bit shy–not quite certain.

Yes! I still love you and I always will!
You needn’t doubt, I’m on your side,
To make you happy is my aim.
To see you smile and feel secure,
Brings me joy–let’s play a game! 

You’re the best and I mean it,
You’re a bright, shining light,
Who warms my heart
And tickles me inside. 

Please know this, Nicholas,
My dear little man,
Auntie Gayle loves you,
You can count on me forever!

Nicholas is my nephew’s son.  I really do light up when I’m around him.  He is such a blessing.

Write2Day–Writing from the Light:

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  1. at the moment I have taken in my niece due to some unforgiving circumstances. this made me think of her. thank you.


    • Dire circumstances had me move in with my sister’s family for several months to help take care of her grandchildren–I totally bonded with Nicholas and his sister. Thanks for sharing, Kellie, and I wish the best for your niece.


  2. Just about the nicest kind of light there is, Gayle. I miss having little ones in my life. Think I need to get back to the museum and play docent with those kids. I took a break this year because of publishing my novel which is now out in both e-book and print!


    • It’s the very best, Victoria, to have a child’s love and trust.

      Another congratulations for you and much success with your new book, Victoria! xoxo


  3. big grins…love that you light up when you see him…just as it should be…today i was at my boys school and was Captain Chris Mast, a pirate santa…haha…


    • He is just the dearest child. I cherish him.

      Captain Chris Mast…that’s so darling. I’ve been to my share of school functions…they’re usually pretty charming. Ho, ho, arhhh…!


  4. love it,

    what a thrill to be able to comment….

    bless the kid.


    • Thanks so much. Were you having difficulty leaving a comment? Someone from Blogger said they couldn’t leave one. I hope the problem is remedied now. 🙂 Yes, that kid is the best! xo


  5. our childhood hopes and loves will always be our light.


  6. Your web of light and strength will surround him always … Nice that these children in your family will have your poetry as a reminder when they are at our stage in life.


    • I sure hope it does, Jamie. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to share poetry with them…maybe they will show an interest to write too.



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