
Chattering mind, slowed down
to a depressive, grey stall.
Enthusiasm withered as if
an ineffectual appendage.
Blank paper remained vacant.
Nothing came forth to
be added, admired, critiqued.
Eagerness to be accepted
has waned, dwindled, died.
A passion once so inviting,
so one-pointed with inducing
my excitement and cheer
has been exhausted.
No care for even an attempt–
abandoned by my muse.

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  1. I think all writer’s can relate to this…with life changes comes muse changes or so happened with me. It’s a fickle thing this creative urge. I like your poem but I thought maybe spacing out into small stanza’s might help a little with flow, and the elimination of some wording for example…

    Chattering mind, slowed down
    to a depressive, grey stall.

    Enthusiasm withered
    an ineffectual appendage

    Blank paper, vacant
    nothing but an eagerness
    to be accepted

    Passion has waned, dwindled
    and died

    Attempts, exhausted

    by my muse

    This is just an example for you to think on, to get the idea of what I was thinking. I hope you don’t mind and I do hope your muse returns to you soon. Cheers 🙂


  2. You both wrote great poems on the issue. … and darling photo, Gayle.

    When I’m in my left brain because I’m doing accounting or some other left-brain thing, I still write but don’t like what the result as much. It doesn’t flow and is not as lyrical as it might be. I don’t know if that block precisely, but it is irritating.

    Happy Labor Day weekend. I think you guys are going to squeek by w/o a hurricane … Both seem to be bypassing Floriday. Good news. You guys deserve some. Think it’s been a tough year there …


    • Thanks, Jamie. I love that photo too.

      Unfortunately, (or not) I think I’m a left-brained person in general. It’s hard for me to write flowing and lyrical or romantically. Some people are so good at that. I’m sure there must be ways to stimulate the other half of the brain.

      Hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend, Jamie. It looks like we might escape being hit by a hurricane this year. Usually, not too many show up after September. Fine by me!


      • So hurricane season may be over. I know we used always to associate hurricane’s with Florida when I was living back east…And it’s such a lovely state. Has some much that isn’t availabe to see in nature elsewhere.


        • Well technically, it’s not over until November. But like I said, it’s rare that we get any activity this late int he season. But never say never!

          It is a lovely state. We are blessed with some amazing natural beauty here.

          Enjoy your Thursday, Jamie. Hugs…


  3. You described this feeling so well! We have all been there. I absolutely love your first two lines.

    You might also like this poem that I wrote about a lack of writing inspiration: http://safehousepoetry.wordpress.com/2011/08/12/the-felling-of-a-tree-the-removal-of-a-head-the-death-of-a-poet/


    • Thanks so much–nice to hear that. It’s nice to see your cute face too. I think you had a flower photo there before. 🙂


  4. Wow, you really gave voice and emotion to that all-too-familiar feeling we writers get.

    Ironic, through, a beautifully written poem on writer’s block… 😉


  5. hope your muse comes back soon. loved the poem. 🙂


    • Thank you, Trisha. I let it come and go at will… 😉


      • me too. what are the plans for tomorrow?


        • By now you have seen my response about tomorrow. I’m especially pleased to know that a letter is coming from you, Trisha. What a special birthday it will be.


          • i am afraid that it will be quite late before you get it. do let me know the day you get it if thats ok. then i will be able to write to you more 🙂

            i hope and pray all your birthdays bring greater joy to your sweet heart. do check my blog when you are free.


          • I will let you know as soon as it comes. I don’t care how late it gets here! I will be so happy to get a letter from you. I will write you more too! 🙂


  6. My muse is on a vacation.


  7. Androgoth

     /  September 4, 2011

    I am new to your Space my friend and have only read a little of your work so I don’t want to come across as over familiar as that would be wrong I think? However your thoughts on writers block have lifted you out of that phase if you don’t mind me saying so? Indeed this piece that you have written above is very good, and doesn’t reflect upon someone that is having any difficulties finding the words in which to write a fine script, I think that you will spring back very quickly my friend and I will be back to read more of your offerings both past and present.

    I can see from the previous comments that you are celebrating a birthday tomorrow and so I will wish you a very happy birthday with lashings of everything that you enjoy the most 🙂 Be well my friend and don’t worry about the writer’s block as I feel sure that on the morrow you will have some fine experiences that will lift your confidence levels, boost your inventiveness and have you writing again in no time at all…



    • Well aren’t you generous to leave me such a kind commentary on my apparent non-affliction, hehe… It is ironic that I did manage to eke out this little poem in spite of myself isn’t it.

      And it’s especially nice of you to offer me birthday greetings for tomorrow. Thank you. And if you don’t mind me saying–“lashings” is a very interesting word to use in adjunct with what I may be enjoying for my birthday. 🙂

      So nice to meet you, Androgoth–I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me.


      • Androgoth

         /  September 5, 2011

        You are very welcome and i am going to subscribe to your blog, please feel free to call by and visit My Gothic Realm, it is a highly friendly environment with much to see, just make sure that you bring along some Garlic Chewing Gum, a Wooden Mallet and some Sharpened Stakes, just in case? 🙂 lol

        Just kidding my friend, and I hope to see you there soon…



        • Androgoth

           /  September 5, 2011

          HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🙂



          • Alrighty then…wooden mallet (check)…sharpened stakes (check). I prefer chewing raw garlic cloves to really get the job done (check). Will be over shortly… hehe…!

            Thanks again for the kind birthday greetings–I really appreciate that.



  8. Oh … I think not, dear Gayle. There is nothing blocking your writing in this poem. Perhaps, it’s that you have become more critical of what you write. I have done that. I write something and then rewrite it and then re-write it again. Like changing it is going to make it better. BUT … then I dislike it even more.

    It may not be what you are experiencing or maybe not but you can use it as your excuse. Just take a vaca … but … not a long one. ~~~~ : – )

    Hugs and Namaste,
    Izzy xoxoxo


    • I usually just let my interest in writing ebb and flow at will. I don’t usually stress too much if nothing much comes to mind. My biggest problem would probably be comparing myself to others. I have been given pep talks as to why I shouldn’t do that!

      You are the sweetest–thanks for your loving (and encouraging) words for me, Izzy.

      Love and hugs,


  9. Hi, Gayle! 🙂

    I think you made your point very succinctly. Well done!

    Sometimes we feel an urgent and compelling need to write something,
    and sometimes the worries of the world occupy our thoughts to full
    capacity, and sometimes so much so that we can’t find the words to
    express the necessary emptiness that balances out our extremities.

    In times like these, I try to remember – I do not have to write.
    I then take a deep breath, and let out a relaxing sigh.
    No big deal. I have free-will…by the throat.

    HaPpY LaBoR DaY! Peace and luvz, UT


    • Hi Uncle Tree! I’ve missed you…

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts here with me. I usually don’t stress too much if nothing much comes to mind. I don’t want it to become a stress inducing activity in my life. I have enough of that!

      So glad to hear you have your free-will by the throat–right where you want him–hehe.

      Hope your Labor Day was a relaxing one!

      Hugs and love,


  10. My goodness! You summed this up perfectly! I love the picture, but yes, you managed to express in your writing exactly what it’s like to feel abandoned by your muse. As to left brain vs. right brain, I believe that balance is key (in all things!) 😉 – have you ever tried “priming the pump”, so to speak, by just writing anything that comes to mind, or focusing on an image and writing as many adjectives or thoughts that strike you about it? Images are great for ‘jump starts’, and even reading others’ works can be inspiring, in and of itself. The best way to “switch” from left brain to right brain, that works me *me* is trying to draw something by looking at the shapes of light/shadow it creates…drawing something as it *is*, not as how it is perceived, if that makes sense. This will sound odd, but when I’m feeling particularly left-brained, reading a thesaurus or rhyming dictionary will help me make associations for description later – a valuable tool for imagery. Dunno if any of these will help, but it looks like you don’t need any help and that your muse was just on vacation. 😉

    Oh, and I’m sorry I missed your birthday!! HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! And many, many more! 🙂 xox


    • Funny how that came out of me–it really hadn’t abandoned me at all! I believe in balance too. I’ve heard of some of these ideas you put forth here–like just writing anything that comes to mind. I like your idea of studying an image and writing as many adjectives or thoughts that come up. Thanks for your very good suggestions. I’m going to try them. I do feel that sometimes I’m in a rut–same old routine and nothing much stirs my interest. I need to switch things around a bit and try some different ways of looking at things.

      Thanks for taking the time to make these suggestions and thank you for the birthday wishes! You are so kind. 🙂



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