Kindergarten Guitar Band

Guitar Ensemble
“Our Kindergarten Teacher”
Kindergarten of Ch’ŏngam-guyŏk (Ch’ŏngjin-si, DPR Korea)

Video uploaded by xtracoolvideos

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  1. That is both really rather cool, and really rather creepy, especially the girl in the middle. It was one of those things that you want to listen to the music and do something else at the same time, but the video just glues you to it. Thanks for sharing that.
    By the way, I’ve tagged you –
    The Lonely Recluse.


    • Yes, that video is something else. Well, I think they must have been told to smile while playing…get’s a bit creepy when the smile is plastered on… I’m glad you liked it, TLR.

      I’ll check out the tagging, thanks.


  2. OMG, they are so darling and so good. One wonders what happens behind the scenes and how they are trained.

    Thanks for sharing this, Gayle.


  3. The guitars are bigger than they are and they have such mastery over them. How is that even possible? They seem like they are enjoying themselves, but how hard must these little children have worked in their short lives to do this?


    • Those guitars look huge next to them. It’s pretty amazing…I hope they’re having fun too but they must be only four or five years old…kindergarten age. I’m very curious as to how long it took them to accomplish the music…did they start at two..or three??


  4. WoW. That is unbelievable. Their poor, tiny fingers must be calloused to be so darned good! They didn’t even have music in front of them to look at, so you KNOW they had to practice like crazy. 🙂 They’re adorable though. Thanks for sharing this, Gayle!


    • Pretty cool…and amazing isn’t it. The children’s size in contrast to their guitars is almost freakish. Aren’t there child size instruments…there must be. Yes, so adorable. 🙂


  5. There’s an eery joyfulness on their faces. You have to wonder if they are enjoying it or were told of greater consequences afterward. The guitars are very big. You would think they would have them made smaller. Ther are definitely excellent player. I hope their enthusiasm is real and that they do like playing. It can be like dancing, it makes them happy.
    Cute kids – the one in the middle put a smile on my face. She is precious.
    Fun – post …. Hugs ….


    • I’ve seen similar talent with children playing the violin at young ages…why not guitar? I’m hoping there must have been a true interest in playing to achieve such a degree of talent. But they are fascinating to watch. Glad you enjoyed this, Izzy. xoxo



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