Four Black Cats

Four black cats cross my path
Addressing each one, they study me
A storm rattles the house
Cats’ blessings bring calm

The Blackest of Cats










I saw four black cats while on my trip this week.  I found this very interesting.  I spoke to each one and considered their appearance somehow auspicious.

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  1. Androgoth

     /  November 7, 2011

    All Black Cats
    Are Beautiful
    Creatures Gayle 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


  2. Good to see you are back. I have two cats…once there was three…and I don’t know that the color black means anything, really, but to see three at once! Hmmmm! Must give that some thought.


    • Thank you, Renee. Before Halloween, I read an article that stated that our local humane society would be screening anyone especially closely who asked to adopt a black or white cat. Apparently, there have been those who use them for “satanic” rituals and such for Halloween and they were finding more of them killed for this purpose!

      I saw the four black cats on separate occasions during my trip. I am not in any way superstitious regarding the bad luck of black cats or anything else for that matter. 🙂


      • Androgoth

         /  November 8, 2011

        I Love Black Cats…
        They are loving creatures
        just like any other coloured
        Cat, it is all ridiculous, to
        see a Black Cat as unlucky…
        I mean how nuts is that? 🙂

        Have a wicked rest of week
        now Gayle and be good 🙂

        I Always Am…

        Androgoth XXx


      • I studied Sociology in University but still can never quite grasp the odd natures of some people who do cruel things to animals. It’s a good thing the Humane Society was keeping an eye out.


  3. Wow, 4 of them! It can’t be too evil an omen as I see you’re still with us. 🙂 If we believe in the evil, then we will no doubt see it. I’m glad you chose to see their appearance as auspicious.


  4. I believe nothing is “coincidental” … blessings indeed … perhaps the uniqueness of 4 black cats for the 4 sisters’ retreat! Good omen! 😀 This is a great photo!


  5. I like cats whatever their color or coat pattern, I always regard them as auspicious, and calming. 🙂


  6. that must have been an extraordinary experience. black cats look scary, dont they?


    • It was very interesting. I wondered why I was seeing so many (different times though). I don’t think they’re scary–they are very beautiful. One of them lived at a shop that we visited–one of his back legs was half missing–he had to hop with his one good back leg. He “talked” to me when I said hello. 🙂


  7. I have seen two so far this week, and I too, consider it extremely lucky!


  8. Some people would freak out at seeing four black cats. I prefer your perspective 🙂


  9. Neat. 😉


  10. Neat. 😉


  11. I’m definitely a cats person, I’d prefer a grey-white kitty, but a black one has a charm too! Lovely! Image and words!


  12. I have never thought negatively of black cats. I guess it’s because I can’t imagine a color would make a difference to their personality. However, seeing the same exact number as there were sisters has an interesting twist; perhaps, each one was there to guide each one of you. So nice they didn’t leave anyone behind. I would look at it as a spiritual guidance at play. Receive ….


    • Since I took note of these sightings, I feel it has to do with perception and sensitivity to my surroundings. Cats can be furtive and mysterious–these were right in my path–I couldn’t miss them. I find it very cool.

      Thanks for sharing with me, Isadora–I love what you said here.



  13. I associate black with the unconscious, emotional part of the self and the number 4 with balance. Whenever I’m visited by a certain animal, especially if it’s more than once, I like to consider it’s message…American Indian spiritual traditions give lots of insight. Not a question of superstition at all, rather of awareness.


    • I like to consider the message too and I like your line of thinking here. I looked up Native American totems and animal characteristics and meanings. Cats in general share these characteristics: guardianship, detachment, sensuality, mystery, magic, and independence.

      I’m not superstitious and understand that messages are given to us in all different ways throughout our lives.

      Hey, I just this minute realized that while hiking one day, the four of us saw cat tracks on the sandy trail as well as large and small bear tracks. More cats–although not visible… I’m so intrigued.

      Thanks for sharing this with me, Victoria.


  14. That’s a lovely photo. I adore cats of all colors, but have always kind of gravitated toward the black ones. I’m sure it’s because of my perception of them as magickal or mysterious. But I agree with what others have said…the Universe was trying to tell you something. 😀 How awesome that you are aware enough to pick up on it! And btw, I’m glad you made it home safely. Enjoy the rest of your visit with your sis!


  15. Black cats are strikingly attractive–their eyes show up so beautifully against their black fur.

    I won’t concern myself overly with trying to figure out what it all meant for them to cross my path but just enjoy the synchronicity of it…and smile at the memory.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Sister’s going home tomorrow. 🙂


  16. … which is, of course, oppositie to the reaction we’re supposed to have. Cats are and do bring blessings, but you, me, Seta, and Gypsy always know that eh? 😉

    I like the picture too.



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